The Fear Club



УYou canТt do it!Фа Kenobi snaps at youа with his firmest whisper, his green-blue eyes glittering.а

УWanna bet?Фа you reply back at him with a sharp whisper ofа your own.а

УPadawans,Ф the Knight who instructs the mathematical sciences class says, suddenly standing over the two of you.а

УSorry, sir,Ф you stammer, glancing up for just a moment at the teacher.а You glance back down at your test, quickly filling out the last few questions.а

Kenobi keeps his head down and sits there silently smirking, glancing at you just a bit.а His deep-set eyes sparkle mischievously.а

Quickly, you click on the test sending your private answers to the teacher.а You sit there a moment, waiting for the results of the test.а You close your eyes, like you do after each test, and wait before opening the results.а

94%!а You start to smirk.а As usual, you got a great score.а Mathematics has always been your best subject.а You usually blow the grading curve with every test.а You glance at Kenobi, waiting to see his smug grin, knowing that you will wipe it right off his face.

He nods his head approvingly at the test pad when his results came up, then glances at you.а He taps his screen, and motions with his hands in a countdown style.а This is something that the two of you have always done every time you have a test.а




You flash your test pad at him, grinning smugly.а You nod your head, showing off the 94% with pride.а Then you see his score.а 97%!а Your smug grin disappears as you glare at him.а He never did better than you on a test!а Never!а How did that happen?а Yourа first impulse is to scream that he cheated.а Of course, you know better.а

He nods his head smugly and tries not to laugh because there are still people finishing the test. аYou glare at him.а Loosing has never been your strong point.

The teacher comes by, and pats you both on the shoulders, the signal that you could leave.а You always bolt out of the room before most anyone, being the fastest test taker.а What that proves in real life, you just donТt care, but itТs a nice benefit.а

You scoop up your data cards and slip them into your already overly heavy shoulder bag and follow Kenobi out into the hall.а Once outside, Kenobi starts.

УYou only got a 94%?Ф Kenobi says with an ornery grin.а

УStow it.Ф You spit back at him.

УWell, I doubt that youТll be able to do it now, only getting a 94% and all,Ф Kenobi says, walking away from you.а

УHey!Ф you shout, catching him in just a few steps.а УI can do it, I know I can.а The question is, can you handle a girl in your club?Фа

Kenobi laughs.а УWe can handle anyone who can pass the entry exam.а If you pass, youТre in.а Plain as that.Фа

УSo, when do I get to take it?Ф you ask, more excitedly than you mean to be.

УAntsy, are we?Фа He asks, smiling.а

УOnly determined.Ф

УBe at the mess hall one half-hour after curfew.а IТll meet you there.Фа He walks away.а You know Kenobi better than you let on, and you know he still wore that ornery grin.а



You sneak out easily of your apartment you share with your master.а SheТs always fast asleep right at curfew.а She lays on the couch, snoring softly, something you wish you own on tape, to play at just the most inopportune moment.а

Quickly, you sneak down the corridor to the mess hall and pull the large heavy doors open.а You slowly step inside, looking for Kenobi, but not seeing him anywhere.а You ease the door shut softly, and step out into the room.а

A pair of hands grabs you from behind and pulls you into the shadows of the dark room.а One hand immediately covers your mouth, and you feel the warm breath of Kenobi in your ear.

УShh, donТt make a sound,Ф he whispers gruffly.а УAre you ready?Фа

You nod your head, noticing for the first time just how broad KenobiТs shoulders really are.а A spasm of desire flies through you, but only for a moment, you quickly suppress it.а This is not the time for sudden hormonal shifts.а

He releases you just enough so that you can spin around and see his eyes.а They sparkle in the dusting of light in the room, looking more mischievous than before.а In the darkness, you feel those hormones surging again, but you repress it as much as possible.а

УWhat do I have to do?Фа you whisper softly to him.а

УYou have to go to Master YodaТs chambers and retrieve either a data card or another personal item of his and bring it back to me.а And you have forty-five minutes to do it.Фа

УIs this what the club decided that I have to do?Ф

УYes, thatТs what was decided.Фа His grin gets wider.а УAnd he canТt know that you were there.Фа

You nod your head.а That kills the idea you had of walking up there and knocking on the door.а УWhere do I meet you?Ф

УOn the balcony of my quarters.Фа He says.а УDonТt go to the front door, that immediately disqualifies you.Фа

УOkay,Ф you whisper.а

He steps closer to you.а УYour time begins right now,Ф he whispers hoarsely to you, his breath grazing your cheek.а With that, he darts out of the room, leaving you to your own devices.



You walk silently out of the mess hall and down the corridor toward where the Masters quarters are.а You mind races as your heart beats like a hyperdrive.а Why are you doing this?а Why?а Because, you know why.а Kenobi says that you canТt do it, therefore, you must do it.а

Kenobi and his stupid club.а

Why do you even care what that idiot does in his spare time?а You just know youТre going to get caught, then what of this?а YouТll have babysitting duty or something for a long, long time.а

The penalty for disturbing a MasterТs quarters is extremely harsh, and to violate Master YodaТsЕyou shudder at the thought of what he would do to you.а He may be a tiny master, but heТll certainly punish well.а

You make your way down the manual stairs to the level where Yoda stays.а You stop at the base of the floor, glancing out into the corridor, looking for anyone.а The thought of getting found here on the MasterТs floor, regardless of the reason, would certainly be a horrendous thing.

You reach out with the Force to see if anyone is around.а Feeling satisfied that no one will be entering the hallway soon, you step out of the stairwell.а You feel your heart racing a kilometer a second as you try to control your breathing.а One step after the other, you creep silently down the hall.а You reach the door to YodaТs quarters and reach down to touch the access panel.а Your sweaty palms slide across the panel as you hope and pray that Yoda still allows anyone access to his quarters like he used to.а

The panel glows red, the negative indicator light.а Damn, what are you going to do now?а Now what do you do?а

Voices jar you from your nervousness.а SomeoneТs coming!а You dart backwards toward the stairs, but the voices seem to be coming from that direction.а You dash the other way to the far end of the hall, where a window sits.а Pulling it open with the Force, you get to it, and climb out.а

You get outside, and itТs then that you notice that the window has a very small edge that you can hardly keep your balance on.а Great, this is just great, you think.а The wind outside tonight is incredibly strong too, whipping through your hair and snapping it across your eyes.а This is just what I need tonight, you think.а Old Obi-Wan Kenobi better appreciate this, if he doesnТt, IТm gonna hafta beat him!а This club better be really cool to put me through all of this.а

You glance over your right shoulder at the balconies, when you see a light come on.а You stay as still as possible, as you strain your eyes to see where the light emanates from.а

Stepping out onto his balcony is Yoda!а HeТs feeding some plants or something!а You watch the small green man carefully, as you formulate your plan.а Of course, he is five balconies away.а You glance at the nearest balcony.а If youТre really careful, you can Force jump right to it, as long as your balance doesnТt go askew.а

You glance at your wrist chronometer, and realize that you have less than fifteen minutes to get back to KenobiТs balcony, which you now realize is nearly three flights above you.а And you have to meet him on the balcony, of all places.

Taking a deep breath, you focus on the first balconyЕ andЕ

Thunk, you land hard on it, square in the center.а Obi-Wan Kenobi is gonna pay dearly for this! You think to yourself.а You pull yourself upright, and glance to the next balcony, when you feel someone moving around in the apartment.а You send them a Force suggestion keeping them away from the balcony for a moment.а You climb up on the railing and leap again.а

This time, you land rolling in a ball, and crash into a chair.а Oh, Kenobi, youТre in so much trouble! You stand as your right leg tingles from the fall.а So much trouble!

You prepare for the third leap, and this time you land without falling.а The wind picks up and blows your hair in your face.а You reach into your pocket and pull out a ribbon to secure your hair.а Pulling it tightly, you step to the edge to make the fourth jump.

Thunk, you land hard, but at least you didnТt hit anything this time.а You creep up to the edge of the balcony and look across, seeing that Yoda is back inside his quarters.а You glance across his balcony, looking for something to snag.а There!а You see it!а YodaТs small watering spout!а And itТs even small enough to fit in your pocket!а

You lean over the edge to see if you can see the small Master.а HeТs nowhere in site.а NowТs your chance, go! You leap across the balcony, but this time, your right ankle snags the edge of his railing, and you go tumbling.а You jerk up with a leap, landing on both feet.а The wind rips your hair out of its ribbon, and itТs now flying around your face, blocking your view.а

You move your hair just in time to see the top of YodaТs head bobbing toward the balcony.а You snag the watering spout and shove it in your pocket.а You climb up on the edge of the railing, and leap with all the Force strength you can muster, and just barely get a hold of the balcony two flights above YodaТs.а

You scramble up over it and look around to get your bearings.а Your right leg throbs with pain, and you try to think of a way to explain this to the healer when you go see her tomorrow.а Kenobi, this had better be worth it, you womprat!а You still have to go up another flight, but KenobiТs quarters are just to your left about two balconies, you think.а

You climb on the railing and look up, leaping gently this time, so as not to overshoot your target.а You have a hold of the railing when a hand reaches out and grabs you, scaring you.а Unconsciously, you lose your grip with your left hand, and begin swinging.а

You try not to scream as you pull your left hand back up to grip the balcony.а The arm leans over, and itТs Kenobi, pulling you up onto the balcony.а

УKenobi!Фа You holler.а УYou trying to kill me, you chuТellen kaТla!Фа You spit at him, this time with real spit.а

He immediately pulls you to the floor of the balcony, covering your mouth.а УShh,Ф he whispers.а УQui-Gon is in there,Ф he says softly.а You realize that heТs almost laying on top of you, and those hormones spring up again.а

УYou coulda killed me!Ф you stammer at him, much softer this time.

УDid you do it?Фа he asks.

УYou donТt even care that I had to leap up three flights of balconies to get here, and that IТve sprained something in my right leg?Ф you push him up off you.а You pull from your pocket the water sprout and hand it to Kenobi.а УThis club of yours had better be worth it, Kenobi, or I swear by the moons of Dieago that IТllЕФ

Kenobi leans into you and kisses you hard on the mouth.а YouТre whole body freezes in shock, and you sit there, eyes wide, looking at him as he kisses you.а His eyes are shut as he moves closer to you, bringing his hands up to your face.а

You push him back away from you and glare at him.а УDo you think that makes up for my injured leg?Фа

УNo,Ф he whispers.

УWell, then, what was that for?Ф а

УI had to shut you up somehow,Ф he whispers.а

УWhy you!Фа You stammer at him.а He grabs the back of your head, and pulls you to him, kissing you hard again on the mouth.а This time, the kiss overtakes you, pulling at well hidden emotions, springing desire from deep within your body.а His lips part slightly, tasting your mouth fully.а You feel your whole body begin to tingle, feeling every part of him pressed against you, and you let out a sigh.а

He pulls away, his lips moist and glittering in the lights of Coruscant at night.а УAre you going to be quiet now?Фа

УNot if you keep kissing me like that,Ф you murmur, surprised at the throatiness of your comment.

УWhat would you do if I did?Фа He asks, his eyes sparkling, and his trademark ornery grin filling his face.а

УScream,Ф you say, pulling him to you.а This time, you let your hormones take control, and begin ravaging him with your lips.а His lips groan a primal cry, shifting himself so that heТs directly on top of your entire body.а You kiss every part of his exposed flesh, sucking and nibbling your way around his neck and shoulders.а

He moves his head so that heТs looking you in the eyes again.а УI want to hear your scream.а I want to make you scream.Фа He whispers hoarsely.а He takes command of the kissing, attacking you and your skin with a primal need.а His lips ravage your skin, sending shivers up and down your entire body as you moan softly in his ear.а

His hands run madly over your body, and work their way down to your overtunicТs belts.а Working almost in a frenzy, he removes the belts and quickly pulls them off you.а His hands slid into your thin layer of undertunic, feeling the flesh underneath.а

Suddenly, he stops, and looks up.а He raises himself up, bringing you up with him.а УWait,Ф he whispers.а He looks inside.а In a flash, heТs on his feet, pulling you up to him.а You grab your overtunic and press yourself up next to his warm body.а The cold wind of Coruscant blows against you, pushing you into him even more.а

He opens the door to the apartment.а УQuiet,Ф he whispers.а Silently, the two of you creep into the apartment, and you head for ObiТs room.а You can hear the sounds of the sonic shower running in the Сfresher.а Master Jinn must be in there, you think to yourself.а You know where it is only because the two of you have studied in there before for tests.а Once inside, he turns on his media player, playing some kind of Correlian music, at least you think thatТs what it is.а DoesnТt matter, itТs loud.а

You stand there in the center of the room, unsure what you should do.а

He turns from the media center and pulls you to him, roughly kissing you again.а УI still need to hear your scream,Ф he murmurs in your ear.а

You moan as he attacks your neck again, pushing you toward the bed.а His hands roam across your body again, and you hungrily molest him, pulling and tugging at his overtunic, trying to get it off.а

УNot yet,Ф he whispers.а He pushes you down on the bed, slowly removing each layer of your clothing.а You wince as he pulls your tunic legs off; he freezes, examining the large bruise on your leg.а Your right leg still throbs horridly.а Kenobi gently touches the bruise, his hands feeling like magma against your skin.а You repress a shudder, glancing at him.а His eyes look full of concern, and he glances at you.

He smiles, and heads out of the room.а Oh SITH!а You think to yourself!а This is all part of the entrance! ааHeТs just trying to embarrass me!а You keep expecting the door to burst open with a team of Padawans in his club pouring in, holo recorders in hand, ready to post holos of you all over the Temple, laying here naked except for your tiny underwear and completely horney.а You jerk up, immediately looking for your clothing.а You pull the covers up over you, and grab your clothes.а Just as youТre about to put your undertunic back on, the door comes open again.а

KenobiТs standing there, staring at you with a strange look on his face.а УWhat are you doing?Фа he asks softly.а

УIТm getting out of here before the rest of your club shows up with their holo recorders!Фа You spit at him.а

He shakes his head, laughing.а УLay down, silly.Фа He says.а He holds up a bacta repair patch, waving it in front of your face.а УLet me put this on you.Фа He sits down on the edge of the bed, and pulls the covers off you, shoving them against the wall.а He gently wraps your throbbing ankle with the patch.а Almost instantly, the pain subsides.а

He leans over your leg, kissing it softly just above the patch.а УIsnТt that better?Фа he whispers as he kisses you again on the leg, working his way slowly up your leg.а You canТt help but moan at his touch as he slides across your lower tummy and back down your other leg.а He nibbles playfully on your toes, and works his way back up your body.а He slides up until his head is on your stomach, licking and tasting your entire abdomen.а

You groan uncontrollably as he kisses your stomach.а You knew that your stomach was a sensitive spot on your body, but for some reason, it seems extra sensitive tonight.а

His lips roam up your body, taking each of your breasts in his mouth.а You quiver as his tongue darts out, flippantly playing with each nipple.а He glances up at you, smiling at you.а You feel intoxicated by his touch.а How you have longed for this, and you didnТt even realize it.а Murmurs of noise come out of your mouth, but you hardly realize it.а

He glances up at your eyes, smiling slightly as he continues his ministrations on your breasts.а You slid your arms underneath him, pulling him up to your face.а

You have to kiss him, thereТs no denying your need.а And you need something else.а His bare skin against yours.а You begin working his clothing off, undoing his sashes, his belts, and all the other paraphernalia that Jedi wear.а

УI think they put us in all these layers to keep us dressed,Ф you mutter as you work off his overtunic.

He smiles at you as he helps you pull the layers of clothing off.а УYou could be right,Ф he says.а With his help, you pull all of his layers off, revealing his completely naked body.а You inhale a breath, admiring his firm and toned skin.а A hunger creeps into your face as you examine him quickly.а He sees your admiration, and he leans back, sitting up, his back against the bedroom wall. а

Suddenly, an image pops into your head, an image of you laying on the bed, from his perspective.а You blink as you see how he sees you now.а The wanton lust that radiates off your body, the beauty of what you look like to him fills your mind.а You suddenly feel all his desire, all his need.а

In response, you send him an image of how incredible he looks before you.а He bits his lip, staring at you.а He lays back down on top of you, his desire inflamed even more, as he begins kissing you and pressing his entire being on top of you.а You wrap your legs around him, holding him as close to you as possible.а

His manhood presses firmly against your thin underwear, and you keep shifting your hips to feel it pressed against the right places.а He slowly begins rocking his hips into you, gently massaging you with himself.а You bite your lip to keep from screaming in his ear.а The sensations felt so wonderful, you couldnТt help yourself.а You are nearly ready to climax right now.а

A knock at the door makes you both freeze.а Obi jerks his head around to the door, УYes?Ф he calls out.а

УPadawan, open the door.Фа Master Jinn calls through the door.а

He stands up, grabbing the cover on the bed, and tosses it over you.а You panic and pull it up over your head, trying to cover yourself completely.а You make a peek-hole for yourself, and notice that he doesnТt even bother to put anything on.а He walks to the door, pulling it open just enough to let the light from the living area filter into the room.а You can see Master JinnТs head, but from your angle, all you really see is the back of Obi-Wan.а

УYes Master?Фа Obi says.

УCould you turn the music down a bit?а You know it is after curfew.Фа

УYes Master,Ф he says as he makes a motion with his hands.а The music immediately drops a bit.а

You can barely make out Master JinnТs head trying to glance beyond KenobiТs.а The large master doesnТt say anymore, but just nods his head, and pulls the door shut.а

You let out a sigh, not realizing that you were holding your breath.а In a moment, the cover is pulled off you, and Kenobi is back on top of you, ravaging you.а He slides his body down you, kissing you with a hunger even stronger than before.а His mouth attacks your stomach again, sucking and biting, and you nearly scream at his intensity.а His hands slide down, pulling your underwear off smoothly.а His lips slide back up your thigh, and his mouth dives into your center.а

Your back arches hard at the touch of his mouth and you whimper as he explores your center.а You feel his tongue working around the area, his mouth biting at you, and you nearly explode.а He pulls his mouth away, and you whimper at the loss of the touch.а

He climbs back up your body, and stops over your face, staring down at you.а His lips are moist from before, and he shifts himself so that his manliness is just caressing the center of you, throbbing just slightly.а You shift your hips, trying to force him into you, but he jerks back away.а

УClose your eyes,Ф he whispers hoarsely.а

You do, and you feel him bring his lips down on yours, in a soft, delicate touch.а You try to bring your lips up to feel his more, but he pulls away.а You start to open your eyes again.

УKeep them closed,Ф he whispers, bringing his mouth on yours again in another soft kiss.а He shifts his hips just slightly, and pulls his lips away from you.а You can feel his breath on your face, and you keep trying to shift your hips into him.а

УScream for me,Ф he says, plunging his manhood deep inside you.а

As commanded, you scream out, barely able to control yourself as he begins slowly thrusting in and out of you.а He pulls himself almost completely out of you, and he pauses, teasing you.а You open your eyes long enough to see his face, intent on you, his lips slightly parted, his eyes focused, hunger and desire filling them.а He shoves his hips into you again, thrusting hard this time, and keeps thrusting.а

You scream out as you orgasm, your whole body shivering and convulsing under his thrusts.а You feel yourself pulse around him, and he jerks his head backwards, shaking slightly as he reaches his peak as well.а You feel him pulsing inside you as he collapses on top of you.а

Neither one of you speak as you lay there together, arms wrapped vaguely around each other.а Sleep takes you both instantly.а


You awake with a start, feeling Kenobi still wrapped around you.а You glance at the crono in his room, and the time reads early in the hours of the morning.а You jerk out of your slumber, instantly awake.а You pull yourself out from under KenobiТs sleeping body and begin grabbing your clothes and dressing as quickly as possible.а You sit on the bed, pulling your tunic bottoms on.а

УWhere are you going?Фа Kenobi asks, wrapping an arm around you.а

УI have to get back to my quarters, before my Master sends out a search party for me,Ф you whisper.а

УWhat time is it?Фа

УNearly 03:00.Фа You reply, getting your tunic bottoms on.а

УDonТt you even want to know if youТre in the club?Фа he says, smiling at you.а

The club.а You had forgotten about that.а What got you into this whole thing in the first place.а УYeah, I do.Фа

УYou are in,Ф he whispered.а УWelcome to the Fear Club.Фа He sits up, and wraps his arms around you, pulling you to him.а He pulls your hair out of the way and begins kissing your neck.а

УWho all is in this club, Kenobi?Фа you ask, trying to keep from being taken over again by his kisses.а


УAnd?Ф you ask, a moan slipping from you lips.

УMe,Ф he replies as he nibbles on that soft spot at the base of your ear.а

УAnd?Ф you ask, a bit more forcefully.а

УJust you and me.Фа He says, sliding his lips around the back of your neck.

You jump up off the bed, anger fueling your voice.а УYou mean to tell me that weТre the only ones in this club?а That I did all that just to humor you?!?Фа

Kenobi smiles wickedly at you.а УYou did more than humor me.Ф

УI cannot believe this!Фа You grab the rest of your stuff and head for his bedroom door.а

He stands up slowly, his naked body looking nearly godlike in the darkness.а УRemember,Ф he says, stepping up to you.а УMeetings are every night this week.а One hour before curfew.Фа He grabs you around the waist and kisses you firmly on the mouth.а

You snap away from him.а УDo you really think IТm gonna show?Ф

He smiles again.а УI know you will,Ф he says as he lets you go.а

You jerk away from him and head out the bedroom door.а You are out in the hall in a moment, creeping back to your quarters.а

How dare he!а He manipulated me!а He used me!а Your mind screams at you.а IТm gonna kill him!а That chuТellen kaТla!а

But you still enjoyed it, you know you did.а

So, do you go back to another meeting?а Another meeting of his Fear Club?а Maybe.а But next time, heТll be the one afraid.а You can promise yourself that one.а


Jasmine Storm


To Part Two




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