Alone, My Padawan



I stand here now, on the sands of Tatooine and watch as Beru takes your son inside for the night. Hes nearly three standard years now; not that you know he exists. Hes so alike you, yet nothing like you at the same time.

He will never be seduced like you, Padawan.

Because he is not an arrogant boy. Neither was I, you might argue. But, my dear Padawan, you were. Arrogant, conceited, acted before you had chance to think...but you were also intelligent, brave, kind and like a son to me.

And you have missed the chance for a son of your own.

Your own daughter.

Your own wife.

Youre in this whole predicament, I believe, because you loved too much. You oozed passion and lacked serenity.

I have not had complete calm for years.

Since you turned?

No, Padawan; before then.

I havent been completely calm since I first shook your hand on Tatooine. I felt the dark in you; forming beneath the innocent exterior.

I felt what you would become.

I saw what you would do.

Does that surprise you Padawan-mine? That a saw the mask you wear before you had even first held a lightsaber? Does it confuse you that I saw you slaughtering the Jedi, our kin, and yet said nothing-

...You always under-estimated me and over-estimated yourself, Padawan, that is your problem, I think.

But, anyway, Im getting off topic. I tend to do that more and more as I age, Anakin. I look older than I am, Ani, far older. I suspect my hair would still be auburn if I had never taken you as my apprentice.

That sounds awful, doesnt it Padawan? I never wanted you, Anakin, but I knew I had to take you. I knew I had to, because I could not refuse my dying Masters wish. I knew, because I saw your destiny, my destiny, Lukes destiny. I knew, because when I consulted Master Yoda, he informed me that however much I tried, I could not run from the inevitable.

The inevitable.

Your turning.

You turned.

The fall of the Jedi.

We fell.

The Republic poisoned from within.

The poison pulsed through its veins and erupted in a river of blood .

The love you have for a son you dont even know.

It will save you.

Yet, you will die Anakin. I remember Padme told me you said you would find a way to stop people from dying, once.

So young and naïve you were, my Anakin

If I told you that one young Jedis compassion would redeem you, you would likely laugh at me and run your lightsaber through my chest.

You wanted to become the greatest Jedi of them all, did you not, Padawan?

I sense that honour may fall to Luke.

It would seem that Luke will become what you could have been had you not fallen to Palpatine. But that isnt true, Anakin.

That will be the Emperors first mistake, my young Padawan. He believes Luke is so much alike you, he will fall into the same traps. But he is not; his soul is stronger than yours.

He and perhaps his sister are the real saviours in this, if that title could be claimed.

But was it worth it?

The Clone Wars, the Purges, the Civil War, my own death which will be by your blade-, your own demise, is it all worth a better future?

Always in motion, the future is

So shall the past be left behind?

Yes, Anakin Skywalker, it should.

You are not my Padawan.

You are not my friend.

You are not a Jedi.

You are Darth Vader, and I hate you more than the Empire in its entirety.


Because it never cared, Anakin. Nor does anyone care for it.

But you cared and in turn were cared for.

You betrayed us all, Darth Vader.

You have sentenced Luke to slavery to his Uncles ideals.

Youve created his prison in this desert.

You will rip his world from beneath his feet and destroy the only stability he has.

You will mutate him into an eerie ghost of you years before.

You will force his innocence to die quicker than those around him.

You will force a child with no parents to grow up before he had the chance to take control of his fate.

And you will save him.

All this heartbreak and horror...was it not needless?

No, because it was his destiny.

Why didnt he become you the thing you revere the most, yet fear with every fibre of your being-, why?

Because that was your destiny, Darth Vader.

And your destiny alone.








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